Indikator pembangunan berjalan sangat dinamis sejalan dengan program dan respons kebijakan pemerintah. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah membutuhkan perkiraan angka kemiskinan pada suatu periode tertentu sesuai dengan perkembangan indikator pembentuknya. Angka tersebut dibutuhkan oleh pemerintah untuk memastikan kebijakan yang dijalankan dapat mencapai sasaran sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan. D…
What if a popular data set that has generated a long stream of literature has been misunderstood and has led to misleading inferences? In this paper, we use the case of household expenditure in the Indonesian National Socio-Economic Survey data, SUSENAS, which started over 50 years ago. Appropriate use of SUSENAS for policy analysis requires an understanding that the expenditure variable in SUS…
Social health insurance in Indonesia dates from the 1990s but recently in 2014, the government announced its ambition to achieve universal coverage within five years. Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) integrates all existing social health insurance schemes under one manager and one payer, the central Ministry of Health. Compared to previous schemes, JKN offers more generous benefits and can be a…
The Law No. 6 of 2014 about the Village brought fundamental changes in the management, arrangement and implementation of village governance. In village finances, the law governs the source of village income which can implicates the budget allocation for the village, both sourced from the central budget as well as the regional budget. Since the year 2015, the allocation of village funds increase…
The era of reform in Indonesia was initially triggered by the monetary crisis that Indonesia experienced in June 1997, marked by the sharp decline in the value of the Rupiah, Indonesia’s national currency. In the year 1999, Law No. 22/1999 on Regional Autonomy and then Law No. 25/1999 on Fiscal Balance between the central and regional governments. Both of these laws would later serve as an �…
Indonesia masih menghadapi tantangan besar dalam isu kekurangan gizi kronis pada balita, yang ditunjukkan oleh tingginya prevalensi balita stunting. Untuk mengukur efektivitas dan mempertajam penargetan upaya pencegahan stunting, pemerintah memerlukan informasi mengenai tingkat dan sebaran prevalensi balita stunting pada tingkat wilayah administrasi yang lebih rendah dari tingkat kabupaten/kota…
Keberhasilan program penurunan prevalensi stunting memerlukan data dan informasi yang akurat dan tepat waktu sebagai dasar penetapan target dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Riskesdas digunakan untuk menghasilkan indikator guna melihat status kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia dan memantau berbagai keberhasilan program pemerintah di sektor kesehatan, sementara itu Susenas digunakan untuk menghasilkan …
Salah satu faktor kesehatan yang masih membutuhkan perbaikan adalah stunting. Indonesia adalah negara dengan prevalensi stunting tertinggi kelima di dunia. Untuk mencapai target angka stunting sebesar 28% sebagaimana dalam RPJMN 2015-2019, pemerintah pada tahun 2018 telah menetapkan prioritas wilayah pencegahan stunting di 100 Kabupaten/Kota dan diperluas secara bertahap sampai dengan tahun 202…
Village funding in the amount of Rp 257.2 trillion in the past five years (2015-2019) uses a scheme that shares funding equitably. This is evident from the proportion of village funds (90 percent) that was divided equally (2015-2017) (Ministry of Finance, November 2017). This study aims to prove that the achievements of village development are not only due to the impact of the Village Fund Prog…
The aim of this paper is to analyse the achievement of village development indicators in 2014 and 2018 after the release of Rp 250 trillion in Village Funds since 2015. There are three indicators related to village development in Indonesia, namely the Geographical Difficulty Index (Indeks Kesulitan Geografis: IKG) which is used as the basis for the Allocation Formula of the Village Fund and the…