The aim of this paper is to analyse the achievement of village development indicators in 2014 and 2018 after the release of Rp 250 trillion in Village Funds since 2015. There are three indicators related to village development in Indonesia, namely the Geographical Difficulty Index (Indeks Kesulitan Geografis: IKG) which is used as the basis for the Allocation Formula of the Village Fund and the…
Inflasi di bulan November sebesar 0,12% yang menghasilkan angka inflasi tahun ke tahun sebesar 7,8 % (tahun ke tahun, November 2012-November 2013) dan angka inflasi tahun ini sebesar 9,4% (Januari – November 2013). Angka inflasi tertinggi di bulan November ada pada sektor perumahan (0,76%) yang disebabkan oleh kenaikan tarif listrik di bulan Oktober 2013. Pada tahun 2013, pemerintah menaik…
A just published paper by the World Bank esƟmates world GDP growth at 2.3% in 2012 and forecasts a similarly lackluster 2.4% for 2013. These estimates are in line with the consensus forecasts for 2012 and 2013. The East Asia region, of which Indonesia is part, also grew more slowly in 2012 than the year before (7.5% rather than 8.3%) and is forecast to reach 7.9%, sƟll less than in 2011.
Secara bertahap di tahun 2013 dengan rata‐rata per tahun 3,5%. Peningkatan pada kuartal keƟga sebagian diakibatkan oleh faktor sementara, seperƟ peningkatan akumulasi inventory (sebagian besar di Amerika Serikat). AkƟvitas di Eropa lebih lemah dibandingkan yang diharapkan. Output Jepang terus berkontraksi pada kuartal ketiga
Growing old in Indonesia is a risky endeavour. As elderly people’s capacity to work declines due to old age or disability, they are much more likely than their younger counterparts to fall into poverty. After a lifetime of contributing to Indonesian society, many elderly people, especially elderly women, have to depend on family members who are struggling themselves. Yet Indonesia’s elderly…
Indonesia’s economy grew by 6.23% in calendar year 2012, slightly below the government’s target of 6.5%. However, it was sƟll the second fastest‐growing country in the G‐20 aŌer China. The highest rate of growth were recorded in the transportaƟon and communicaƟon sector (9.98%), followed by the trade, hotel and restaurant sector (8.11%). However, the largest contributors to growth w…
Indonesia’s economy grew by 6.23% in calendar year 2012, slightly below the government’s target of 6.5%. However, it was sƟll the second fastest‐growing country in the G‐20 aŌer China. The highest rate of growth were recorded in the transportaƟon and communicaƟon sector (9.98%), followed by the trade, hotel and restaurant sector (8.11%). However, the largest contributors to growth w…
The world commodity boom was a major factor in Indonesia’s growth from 2005 to 2011. Export earnings increased at a rate of 12% a year. This growth was dominated by commodities. Nearly three-quarters of the increase in commodity exports from 2005 to 2011 was due to increased prices, making Indonesia vulnerable to a downturn in world commodity prices. With slower growth in the world economy, t…
Tingkat inflasi untuk Maret 2013 sebesar 0,6%, angka tertinggi untuk bulan Maret selama lima tahun terakhir. Inflasi year-on-year sebesar 5,9%, lebih tinggi dibandingkan 2012 (4%) namun masih lebih rendah dibandingkan Maret 2011 (6,65%). Inflasi bulanan untuk Maret biasanya rendah, bertepatan dengan masa panen. Inflasi tinggi pada Maret 2013 tidak disebabkan kenaikan harga seluruh komoditas aka…
The rural economy makes a significant contribution to the national economy. At present, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is felt more in urban areas. Due to the high mobility of seasonal rural workers commuting between their home villages and cities, however, the impact on the rural economy needs to be anticipated promptly.