Indonesia has made remarkable progress in meeting the target to provide 12 years of basic education for all over the decade to 2020. The gross enrolment ratio (GER) at junior secondary and senior secondary level increased from 81.1 per cent in 2009 to 90.6 per cent in 2019 and from 62.4 per cent in 2009 to 84.0 per cent in 2019 respectively (Susenas 2009, 2019). This achievement shows that more…
Menjadi tua di Indonesia merupakan tahapan kehidupan yang berisiko. Seiring menurunnya kemampuan kerja penduduk lanjut usia (lansia) akibat usia tua ataupun disabilitas, mereka semakin rentan untuk jatuh ke dalam kemiskinan dibandingkan dengan penduduk yang lebih muda. Setelah mengabdikan seluruh hidupnya berkontribusi kepada masyarakat Indonesia, banyak penduduk lansia, khususnya perempuan …
The most optimal implementation target is equal to the Village Fund formulation that upholds the principles of equality and fairness. It is, therefore, necessary to develop a composite index prior to the distribution of allocations during fiscal year 2019. The composite index should also reflect the region’s condition, as is the case with the Village Fund with the development of the IKG. This…
The most optimal implementation target is equal to the Village Fund formulation that upholds the principles of equality and fairness. It is, therefore, necessary to develop a composite index prior to the distribution of allocations during fiscal year 2019. The composite index should also reflect the region’s condition, as is the case with the Village Fund with the development of the IKG. This…
Target penerapan yang paling optimal adalah setara dengan penerapan formulasi pada Dana Desa yang mempertahankan prinsip pemerataan dan berkeadilan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengembangan indeks komposit sebelum alokasi didistribusikan pada TA 2019. Penyusunan indeks komposit juga perlu menggambarkan kondisi wilayah sebagaimana yang dilakukan pada dana desa dengan mengembangkan Indeks Kesulit…
The Covid-19 pandemic not only affects health but also social and economic conditions. In the short term, one of the key indicators of its impact on health is the mortality rate of victims that has reached 8.9 per cent. In terms of the economy, the pandemic has caused a slump in domestic economic activity–posing the risk of a fall in community welfare. In the medium-term, it is projected that…
Pandemi Covid-19 tidak hanya berdampak pada kesehatan, melainkan juga pada kondisi sosial dan ekonomi. Dalam jangka pendek, dampaknya pada kesehatan ditunjukkan dengan angka kematian korban di Indonesia yang mencapai 8,9 persen. Pada ekonomi, pandemi ini menyebabkan anjloknya aktivitas perekonomian domestik, yang tidak menutup kemungkinan akan menurunkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dalam jangka m…
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on many sectors, from health to social and the economy, including employment. In the short term, one of the key indicators of its impact on health is the mortality rate of victims that had reached 8.9 per cent. In terms of the economy, the pandemic has caused a slump in domestic economic activity–posing the risk of a fall in society’s welfare. In the mediu…
The enactment of the Village Law No. 4/2014 (UU Desa) has led to a number of significant changes, especially in terms of central budgeting support for village development. The law regulates the sources of village revenues that can have implications for the special budget allocations to villages sourced from both the national budget (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara: APBN) and regional bud…
Pemberlakuan UU Desa telah mendorong sejumlah perubahan signifikan. Undang-undang tersebut mengatur sumber pendapatan desa yang dapat berimplikasi pada alokasi anggaran khusus bagi desa, baik yang bersumber dari APBN maupun APBD. Dana transfer pusat, atau Dana Desa, adalah sumber pendapatan yang berasal dari APBN yang ditransfer melalui APBD kabupaten/kota dan dapat digunakan untuk membiayai pe…