Individu penyandang disabilitas di Indonesia menghadapi risiko finansial yang cukup signifikan. Sekitar 9% penduduk Indonesia mengalami disabilitas sedang dan berat yang menyebabkan beban biaya tambahan untuk berpartisipasi dalam masyarakat lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan penduduk tanpa disabilitas. Oleh karena itu, penyandang disabilitas biasanya lebih tinggi kemungkinannya untuk hidup d…
According to the 2015 intercensal population survey (SUPAS)1 almost 9 per cent of the population aged two and above have a moderate or severe disability, and the IFLS (2014) found that just over 10 per cent of the population aged 15 and above experience difficulties with basic activities of daily living. Furthermore, evidence shows that, throughout the life cycle, people with disabilities in In…
The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to result in a rapid and significant increase in the prevalence and severity of poverty in Indonesia, as people are unable to work, jobs and income are lost, businesses close and debts accumulate. Under the most recent projection, COVID-19 could push between 1.3 million to 8.5 million people into poverty, significantly increasing the national poverty rate (SMER…
People with disability in Indonesia are not only at great economic and financial risk but are also facing great challenges in accessing health and education facilities and services, social protection, and in entering the labour market. In 2018, the Indonesia National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) included the Washington Group Disability Questions Set5 which aims to provide the most updated in…
Waktu menujukkan hampir pukul 07.30 WITA dan kepala sekolah serta guru-guru SDN Mboeng di Desa Kaju Wangi, Kecamatan Elar, salah satu desa sangat tertinggal di Kabupaten Manggarai Timur, Nusa Tenggara Timur, bergiliran mengambil foto menggunakan ponsel.
Program KIAT Guru berbagi pengalaman pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dasar di daerah sangat tertinggal lewat talkshow dan pameran di Festival Forum Kawasan Timur Indonesia (Forum KTI) VIII. Festival Forum KTI yang berlangsung di Makassar pada 24-25 Oktober 2018 ini bertujuan mengangkat praktik-praktik cerdas dan inovasi pembangunan lokal dari Kawasan Tmur Indonesi…
The KIAT Guru Pilot Program* shared its experiences of the dynamic impact that community involvement in primary school education can have in improving education quality in very disadvantaged areas, in a talkshow and exhibition during the recent Eastern Indonesia Forum Festival (Forum KTI) VIII. Held in Makassar on 24-25th October 2018 the festival aimed to disseminate local development innovati…
Teachers are no longer absent. They are more responsible in providing the best education service for students. I hope KIAT Guru Program will continue,” said Natalia, a civil servant teacher at SDN 03 Tempoak public elementary school.
Hak setiap orang atas jaminan sosial merupakan salah satu mandat dari UUD 1945 dan sejak tahun 1960-an pemerintah telah mengembangkan sistem jaminan sosial, yang dimulai bagi pegawai negeri, TNI, dan POLRI. Kemudian melalui UU No. 3/1992 tentang Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja, pemerintah berupaya memperluas cakupan kepesertaan jaminan sosial ke pegawai swasta atau pekerja di sektor formal. Sala…
Indonesia continues to make considerable progress to increase the membership of its social insurance program especially for its wage recipients (pekerja penerima upah/PU) who are mostly formal sectors workers. Unfortunately, coverage for the non-wage recipients/pekerja bukan penerima upah/BPU who mostly work at the informal sector workers are still very low (about 2.4 million active members as …