Tulisan ini mengungkap ketimpangan malnutrisi anak balita di Indonesia, utamanya dengan pengukuran kesejahteraan pengeluaran konsumsi per kapita. Data survei yang memiliki ukuran antropometri yang dibutuhkan untuk membentuk variabel gizi buruk anak (malnutrisi), dan yang memiliki variabel pengeluaran konsumsi per kapita masih terbatas.Keberadaan variabel pengeluaran konsumsi per kapita merupaka…
Despite significant economic growth and declining poverty in Indonesia in recent years, child malnutrition is a long-term problem for the country. Among developing countries, Indonesia has a stable economic growth rate of around 5 per cent per annum, while, since 2018, the poverty rate has fallen to below 10 per cent. Nevertheless, these records are tainted by the prevalence of child malnutriti…
A rapid evaluation of Program Sembako 2019 showed that, on average, a beneficiary family (Keluarga Penerima Manfaat: KPM) had to pay more to purchase Non-cash Food Program (Bantuan Pangan Nontunai: BPNT) rice than to purchase premium- or medium-grade rice in the market.
In 2007 the Government of Indonesia launched the Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), the first conditional cash transfer programme in Indonesia. The programme seeks to improve the quality of human capital by providing cash transfers conditional on households accessing specified health and education services. The PKH helps to reduce the burden of household/family expenditure for very poor households…
Terlepas dari kemajuan untuk mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan nasional, kemiskinan di antara kelompok masyarakat rentan di Indonesia masih tetap tinggi dan mengkhawatirkan. Masyarakat Indonesia adalah masyarakat yang sedang menua, dengan jumlah penduduk lanjut usia sekitar 20 juta orang, atau 8% dari keseluruhan jumlah penduduk (TNP2K, 2014). Namun sebagian besar penduduk berusia lanjut terse…
Pandemi telah mengancam sistem kesehatan, ekonomi, dan kondisi sosial Indonesia. Semua kelompok populasi telah terdampak, dan beberapa kelompok tertentu terutama anak-anak, lansia, dan penyandang disabilitas memiliki kerentanan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kelompok populasi yang lain.
Pandemi telah mengancam sistem kesehatan, ekonomi, dan kondisi sosial Indonesia. Semua kelompok populasi telah terdampak, dan beberapa kelompok tertentu terutama anak-anak, lansia, dan penyandang disabilitas memiliki kerentanan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kelompok populasi yang lain.
The pandemic has threatened Indonesia’s health system, economy, and social affiliation. All segments of the population have been affected, however, some specific groups including children, the elderly, and people with disability are more vulnerable than others.
While a small percentage of Indonesians are chronically poor, poverty in Indonesia is largely a transient phenomenon. The number of transient poor–those moving in and out of poverty–was estimated at 17.92 percent of the population or 44.2 million people in 2013
After a deflation in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in September 2013 (-0.3 percent), the inflation rate in October 2013 was 0.09 percent and resulted in year-on-year inflation of 8.32 percent and year-to-date inflation of 7.66 percent. Food products which constituted the biggest contribution to inflation in the last several months experienced deflation both in September (-2.7 percent) and i…