"The Road to Results" provides a comprehensive guide for designing and conducting effective development evaluations. The book aims to improve the capacity of development professionals to create evaluations that are methodologically sound and practically useful, thereby enhancing the impact of development programs.
The seventh edition of "Macroeconomics" provides an updated and comprehensive exploration of macroeconomic theory and practice. This edition aims to offer a deeper understanding of the principles that govern economic performance at the aggregate level and to reflect recent developments in macroeconomic research and policy.
This report examines the dynamics of industrial relations and social dialogue within the oil and gas industries. It aims to explore how effective industrial relations and social dialogue practices contribute to better labor relations, workplace conditions, and industry stability.
This report aims to evaluate the enabling environment for sustainable enterprises in Indonesia by assessing the current business environment and surveying workers' perceptions regarding sustainability practices in the workplace.
This document provides a comprehensive guide on issue campaigning and lobbying techniques. It aims to equip individuals and organizations with strategies to effectively influence public policy and decision-making processes through targeted advocacy efforts.
This study aims to evaluate and improve child protection responses in Indonesia by learning from the Protection Homes for Children (RPSAs). The focus is on assessing the effectiveness of RPSAs in safeguarding children and identifying best practices for enhancing child protection services.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kapasitas desa dalam memelihara infrastruktur yang ada di pedesaan Indonesia. Fokus utama adalah untuk memahami bagaimana desa-desa di Indonesia mengelola dan memelihara fasilitas infrastruktur serta tantangan yang mereka hadapi dalam proses pemeliharaan tersebut.
The "Infrastructure Census" report evaluates the current state of infrastructure supply readiness across Indonesia, documenting both achievements and areas where gaps persist. The assessment provides a comprehensive overview of the progress made in infrastructure development and highlights the ongoing challenges that need to be addressed.
provides an in-depth analysis of teaching practices and student achievement in Indonesian mathematics classrooms. Conducted as part of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) video study, this research aims to shed light on the educational dynamics within Indonesian schools and evaluate the effectiveness of various teaching methods.
menyajikan eksplorasi mendalam mengenai berbagai fenomena unik dalam ekonomi dan bisnis yang terjadi sehari-hari, dengan perspektif keadilan dan kebijaksanaan. Buku ini mengaitkan konsep-konsep ekonomi dan bisnis dengan nilai-nilai keadilan serta panduan praktis untuk mengatasi tantangan yang dihadapi