TNP2K’s mission is to coordinate poverty alleviation policies in Indonesia. As part of its tasks, TNP2K conducts and commissions research reports and studies with the objective of facilitating and informing evidence-based policy planning. TNP2K has undertaken several research activities and policy initiatives related to employment in Indonesia. This working paper, ‘Youth Employment in Indonesia: International and National Good Practices for Policy and Programme Improvement’, specifically concentrates on the analysis of youth unemployment and possible answers for Indonesia from the perspective of local and international best practices. The paper, after setting the research context and methodology, presents a short literature review of programme lessons learnt worldwide; Indonesia’s main challenges in a number of youth employment–related areas; country case studies as plausible responses to such issues; and evidence-based policy and programme recommendations applicable to Indonesia.
This paper is accompanied by a compendium of best practices in youth employment from across Indonesia and the world. See TNP2K Working Paper 19b - Youth Employment in Indonesia: Compendium of Best Practices and Recommendations for Indonesia.
Sistem pengelolaan pengetahuan ini merupakan layanan yang menyediakan akses ke
berbagai informasi dan pengetahuan terkait program-program peningkatan kesejahteraan
sosial yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Layanan ini dikelola oleh Tim Asistensi
Kebijakan untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat, Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pemberdayaan
Masyarakat. Tim Asistensi Kebijakan sebelumnya merupakan Sekretariat TNP2K.